Veterinary Exam

Book your pet's next wellness exam to keep them happy and healthy.

Veterinary exams keep your pets healthy which in turn gives them longevity. Here at Bridgwater Veterinary Hospital and Wellness Centre we encourage regular examinations for our patients. Regular veterinary exams help our veterinarians to provide your pet with quality care that is specific to your pet’s individual health and needs. A veterinary exam also gives pet owners the opportunity to ask questions about the development of their fur friends and how to make their pets happier.

What happens during a pet’s veterinary exam?

The purpose of veterinary exams is to determine the health of your pet and to detect any illnesses. During the exam our team will carry out lab panels which may include: blood, urine and imaging tests to detect any health problems. Our well-trained team works hard during the exam to make your pet relaxed and comfortable. To further analyze your pet’s wellbeing the veterinarian will ask questions about the pet’s behaviours, diet, lifestyles etc. As fur parents you can also use this time to express any concerns or questions you have about your pet. With the results gathered from testing our vets may recommend diets, exercise or medications to keep your pet healthy.

How often does my pet need a veterinary exam?

Each pet has different requirements based on factors such as breed, age or prior health conditions. Most pets require at least one veterinary exam annually, that increases to two in senior pets and three in puppies and kittens. We encourage you to call us at 204-452-0911 or email us at to schedule your pet’s veterinary exam.

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