Senior Care

Our team is here to help keep your pet healthy and strong through their senior years.

The older your pets get the more they will depend on you for care. Here at Bridgwater Veterinary Hospital and Wellness Centre we can work with you to provide your aging pets with the special attention they need. We can create programs with routine checkups to detect and prevent any illnesses before they advance. Our veterinarians are here to work with you to improve your pet’s quality of life and give them longevity. Call us to schedule your appointment at 204-452-0911.

When is my pet considered senior?

This varies among pets. Bigger breed dogs between five or six are considered seniors, whereas medium-sized dogs aged eight and smaller dogs aged eight to ten years are seniors. Typically, cats eight years and older are seen as seniors. The veterinarians at our hospital can further assist you to determine if your individual pet is considered a senior, along with the special care they need.

What are some signs that my pet is getting older and may be considered senior?

Signs that your pet is getting older don’t happen overnight, they progress slowly. It is important that as fur parents you are vigilant and communicate any changes with your veterinarians. Here are some typical signs that your pet is getting older:

  • Greying around the chest, on top of the head, and muzzle
  • Eyelid tumours
  • More lumps
  • Less playful/active
  • Deteriorating eyesight and hearing
  • Increase/decrease in eating, drinking and urinating

What are common health issues in senior pets?

Senior pet’s immune system declines rapidly so catching illnesses before they worsen is important. Regular checkups can help you stay on top of your senior pet’s health. Common illness in senior pets include:

  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Hormone disorder
  • Liver and kidney problems
  • Cognitive dysfunction syndrome

At Bridgwater Veterinary Hospital and Wellness Centre, we can work with you to develop a plan to treat any symptoms related to aging in your pet. You can count on us to give your pet the care they need to continue living a normal, healthy and happy life as they age.

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