
Discover advanced diagnostic capabilities for your pet with our comprehensive endoscopy services.

Sometimes it is hard to determine what conditions your pet has by examining external organs. In some cases, veterinarians need to see your fur friends’ internal organs without performing surgery. In such cases, endoscopy can be used to diagnose your pet. At Bridgwater Veterinary Hospital and Wellness Centre we are well trained and have years of experience performing endoscopic procedures.

What is endoscopy in pets?

Endoscopy is a less invasive procedure to surgery that allows the doctor to see inside your pet’s body (I.e. internal organs). It uses an endoscope which is a flexible tube with a camera attached to it. With this tube vets can examine hollow organs such as lungs, urinary bladder, colon and the stomach.

What conditions in my pet can be diagnosed with endoscopy?

When your pet begins to experience symptoms with any obvious reason a veterinarian may recommend endoscopy if blood tests and X-rays or ultrasounds are completely normal. Symptoms such as weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea without any known cause can be indications of an illness. Endoscopy allows veterinarians to identify irregularities such as:

  • Inflammation
  • Abnormal swelling
  • Scarring
  • Foreign objects

By identifying these abnormalities doctors are then able to gather tissue samples of the organ or area to perform a biopsy. A biopsy can lead to diagnosis of diseases such as cancer.

Are endoscopic examinations painful for my pet?

Your pet may be unsettled for the procedure to be performed and so they are given anesthesia. This allows our veterinarians to perform the endoscopy with precision and less worry about your pet moving. The procedure is harmless and your pet will be completely safe during and after the exam. Your furry friend will be allowed to return home after the procedure is performed. We encourage you to call us at 204-452-0911 if you have any other concerns.

How do I prepare my pet for an endoscopic procedure?

To ensure that our veterinarians are able to see your pet’s internal organs without anything blocking them your pet must do a complete 12-hour fast. The stomach and intestines must be empty from all food and fecal matter. In some cases, your pet may need to take oral medications to remove fecal matter from the colon and on the morning of the procedure an enema may be given to remove stool.

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