
We prescribe chewable tablets, oral liquids, topicals, and more to remove intestinal parasites.

Contrary to popular belief, deworming for pets does not end in kittenhood or puppyhood. Depending on their lifestyle, they need to be dewormed on a regular basis to stay protected from harmful intestinal worms. Fortunately, deworming is a simple and cost-effective measure that our team can help you manage and stay on top of. To learn more about your deworming options, please call us at 204-452-0911.

What are the signs that my pet has worms?

When it comes to worms, regular check-ups are so important because many pets, especially at the early days of infestation or if they have only a small amount of worms, they may not actually display any visible signs. Worms can be wreaking havoc inside your pet for months without you knowing it. That being said, some common signs you can keep a lookout for are: sudden weight loss and loss of appetite, diarrhea, bloated stomach, dragging of the rear and softer stool.

What happens when a pet is dewormed?

When a pet is dewormed, they are given oral medications or topical creams that protect them against harmful worms. The specific formulation your pet will receive will depend entirely on your pet’s health status. Now, if your pet is already infested with worms, oral drugs and creams can be prescribed to kill or destroy the worms. For severe cases, manual surgery may be needed to remove the worms.

Why are worms so bad for pets?

Worms can cause your pet to become dehydrated and malnourished, as they feed on their food. Worms can also cause anemia and internal organ damage that can be irreversible. For younger pets like puppies and kittens, worms are especially dangerous and can even be fatal if left untreated.

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