Dental Care

Our top-of-the-line equipment allows us to safely provide dental assessments, cleanings, and more.

Here at Bridgwater Veterinary Hospital, our veterinarians and veterinary technicians do more than just clean your pet’s teeth. They can also perform extractions, periodontal treatment and other oral procedures needed to keep your pet’s teeth and gums strong and healthy. Contrary to popular belief, our pets teeth should really be brushed daily. As well, “doggy breath” is not normal and is often one of the earliest signs of dental disease. The good news is all it takes is a simple hygiene routine at home and regular cleanings/check-ups to keep your pet’s teeth healthy. Schedule your next appointment and call us at 204-452-0911 for more details on our dental services.

Do pets need professional dental care?

Absolutely! Professional cleaning is especially important to adult and senior pets. As they age, your pet’s teeth and gums suffer the same decay human teeth and gums do. Unless completely removed at least once a year, oral bacteria accumulates on teeth, eventually forming yellowish deposits of plaque and tartar. Cavities, gum disease, periodontitis and tooth loss affects nearly 80% of adult pets that do not receive veterinary dental care.

How can I brush my pet’s teeth at home?

Brush your pet’s teeth at home with toothbrushes designed specifically for pets. Fingertip dog toothbrushes are also available that slip over your finger.

NOTE: Do not brush your pet’s teeth with human toothpaste. It contains ingredients like detergents and abrasives that could make your dog ill. Use flavoured dog toothpaste containing ingredients safe for dogs to swallow.

How should I care for my dog’s teeth?

When it comes to your canine pal, it’s important to be careful about their chew toys. Did you know that branches, ribs or other types of bones can actually fracture your dog’s teeth? Stick to soft chew toys like rawhide or knuckle bones. When it comes to chew toys and food in general, keep an eye out for the “VOHC-approved” seal. This means the food is formulated to be a tooth and gum cleansing product according to guidelines set by the Veterinary Oral Council.

How should I care for my cat’s teeth?

Whether you are a lifelong cat owner or just recently welcome one into your home, you know how cats hate to have someone mess with their mouths. Since cleaning at home is nearly impossible for most cat owners, we recommend that you have your cat’s teeth cleaned by our veterinary team regularly. During a cleaning procedure, your cat is placed under general anesthesia so the veterinarian can clean and examine all teeth carefully without upsetting your cat. Keep in mind that cats are slightly more prone to periodontitis than dogs because cats are strict carnivores with teeth designed to stay healthy by chewing the bones and flesh of rodents, birds and similar prey. Domesticated diets we feed our cats today often promote dental problems in cats.

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