CT Scans

Our experienced veterinarians use advanced technology to diagnose and treat various conditions.

There are many medical procedures that enable veterinarians to get a closer look at the internal organs of your pets. CT scans are one of these procedures, it is similar to X-rays. A CT scan is a computed tomography scan that can capture images of your pet’s internal organs. The equipment used is very similar to the ones used for humans. The only difference with the procedure in pets is that they require anesthesia. Not to worry, as our veterinarians and technicians are well trained to conduct CT scans.

How are CT Scans performed in pets?

When your pet arrives at the hospital, we perform blood work and prep them for anesthesia. Once your pet receives anesthesia, the veterinary technicians place your pet in the correct position. The technicians then run the scan. The time it can take to do the scan depends on the part(s) of the body being scanned and the size of the patient.

Why does my pet need a CT Scan?

CT scan is important as it helps veterinarians understand any underlying irregularities in your pet’s body and helps plan surgeries. Say for instance a tumour is to be removed during surgery the veterinarian will need to perform a CT scan. This will allow the doctor to find the exact location of the tumour, which will minimize surgery time and choose the best surgical approach. Other reasons why CT scans may be conducted are

  1. To rule of spreading of cancers elsewhere in your pet’s body
  2. To evaluate nasal disease in pets with excessive nasal discharge
  3. To understand orthopedic abnormalities
  4. To examine tooth decay and abscess

Give us a call at 204-452-0911 to figure out if a CT scan can help your pet.

Are CT Scans harmful for my pet?

CT scans are not harmful to pets. The small amount of radiation they are exposed to rarely has any effects on them. To ensure that your pet is completely safe after the procedure some veterinarians may monitor them for a short while.

How do I prepare my pet for a CT scan?

Before an exam is conducted your pet must not eat food the night before or the morning of the scan. Our veterinarians will inform you of any other steps to take before a scan is scheduled.

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