
An effective treatment option to control the growth and spread of cancer cells.

If your pet has been diagnosed with any kind of cancer, we want you to know that there are many treatment options available. Chemotherapy is just one of the treatments that we provide for cancer patients here at Bridgwater Veterinary Hospital. To learn more about this treatment, and our medical care plans for pets with cancer, please do not hesitate to call us at 204-452-0911

How do I know if my pet has cancer?

There are several warning signs that you can keep a lookout for such as bumps underneath your pet’s skin, wounds that would not heal, unusual/ foul-smelling discharge from their eyes, mouth, ears and other parts of the body, swollen stomach, sudden weight loss and more. With regular check-ups (at least once or twice per year) cancer can be detected early and your pet’s chances of survival and recovery are much higher.

Is chemotherapy safe for pets?

Most pets (about 80 to 80%) react really well to the treatment and often show no side effects. Sometimes, some patients experience fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea and appetite loss – although these are quite mild and subside after a few hours or days.

How much does chemotherapy cost for pets?

Cost will depend on your pet’s size, the stage of their cancer and the specific kind of treatment they will need. Oral palliative care will also generally be more cost-effective. To learn about our latest service rates, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team.

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