

Jordy Veterinary Assistant

My lifelong affinity for animals has been a driving force in my career path. From childhood visits to the zoo to a household filled with cherished pets, my passion has only deepened over time. As I matured, my menagerie expanded to include fish, axolotls, and a leopard gecko, complementing my hands-on experience gained through employment at dog daycares.

The majority of my expertise has been cultivated through practical experience in the field. Emergency medicine holds a special appeal for me due to its dynamic nature, offering continuous opportunities for growth and learning.

The collaborative atmosphere at our hospital fosters a sense of unity and shared dedication. We are committed to delivering superior patient care, approaching each case with the same level of compassion and dedication as if the animals were our own.

My understanding of purebreds and diverse dog breeds, coupled with my active involvement in various communities, further enhances my ability to serve our clientele effectively.