

Jordy Veterinary Assistant

A lifelong passion for animal welfare and medicine led me to the veterinary field, where I get to make a difference in the lives of animals every day. In the near future, I plan to attend tech school to further my education and expand my skills in veterinary care.

Emergency and critical care are the areas that interest me the most. I love that there’s always something new to learn, and working alongside others who share the same passion makes it even more rewarding.

One of the best parts of my job is the incredible team I work with—we support each other and make even the busiest days enjoyable. I also bring five years of rescue work experience and advanced knowledge of animal behavior and dog breeds to my role, which helps me better understand and care for the animals I work with.

At home, I have a full house of pets, including Piper (Siberian Husky), Buster (Husky mix), Rex (Husky mix), Sonny (DSH), and Pickles (DSM).